Customer Testimonials

BuyBros are truly life savers! I could not afford all the repairs needed to sell my home and no one would buy it as is. I felt like there were no options left for me and my family. I reached out to many real estate agents who wouldn't even take my listing. BuyBros provided a solution and followed through exceeding my expectations!
Ryan E.
Business Owner
I never imagined it could happen to me. When I got 3 months behind on mortgage payments, BuyBros stepped in and saved my credit from getting ruined in foreclosure. They act quickly and help you sell your house fast, and they even gave me money to relocate! I honestly didn't know companies like them existed. Everyone who is facing foreclosure needs to call BuyBros!
Mike M.
Brick Layer
When my husband was laid off from his job, we were left with two options: Sell it or let the house go in foreclosure. When we couldn't sell in time, we scoured the internet looking for someone to buy our house at a deep discount. Lucky for us, we came across BuyBros! They literally gave us a "Full market value" offer! Thank you BuyBros!!
Emily S.
I really felt overwhelmed with being forced to relocate for my new job. I had no one to help me sell my home and realtors were taking to long to act. Buy Bros stepped in and took over my mortgage payments until sale of the house was final. These guys really saved me from paying double payments and being really far behind. Thank you Buy Bros
Brad L.
Tech Support
If you are reading this page and are stressed about your mortgage or selling your home like I was last year, Im telling you that you found the right people. Johnny, Austin, and Cruz were there every step of the way making sure everything was taken care and they saved me from tanking my credit.
Chris M.
Before I took over my new shop I was in a really bad place and my last marriage left me with a house I could not afford alone. I really had no options or so I thought, Buy Bros showed up on my door step and at first I didn't know what to expect. Until I saw things start developing. They were making sure payments were made, repairs completed, and conducting open houses. Before I knew it my house was sold and I hade a down payment for my shop!
Nick B.
Small business owner
These guys were very professional and truly handled everything needed to sell my house.
Amy S.
I dug myself into a deep hole and these guys were there to pull me out. I felt like I could breath again. They created a financial opportunity for me to start fresh.
Daniel T.
I took on a new career over 1,200 miles away from my old house. I needed to sell my house fast. There was no way I could keep forking out for two house payments. These guys were able to close in just a few short weeks saving me money and most importantly relieving my stress!
Tyler M.
My roof was leaking so bad that my ceiling caved in and I didnt have the money to fix it. I also owed more than what the house was worth. Not sure how they didnt lose money but they took over my loan the day after seeing my house and I could not be more grateful
Katee N.
3rd grade Math Teacher
Great people!! Great business
Charles S.
I cant say enough about these guys. Not only did they save me from losing my house in foreclosure, they helped me at every step and made sure i was understanding everything. Definitely glad my wife found them on facebook
Dan W.
Line Cook
Excellent customer service!! Above and beyond. Helped me through a tough divorce
Kenny B.
Father of 4
I was being deployed and on the verge of foreclosing. A friend told me about Buy Bros so I reached out for a consultation. Within 72 hours they took over my loan and bought the house as-is. I didnt have to pay them a penny or make any repairs. They were exactly what I needed exactly when I needed it. Thanks Buy Bros!
Brenton D.
U.S. Army
I was filing for Bankruptcy and losing everything. My house was falling apart with the roof nearly caving in and I had no way of saving it. Cruise (not sure how to spell his name) literally knocked on my door, met with my attorney, somehow had the house released from the bankruptcy, bought the house and paid me $7,000.00 for a house I was throwing away.
Joseph M.
I was just looking for a place to rent and reached out to buy bros. By the way these guys do not rent homes but without question they searched for a place. They found a place right in my area! I figured they would want some type of payment. Nope, they said this service was free. I was amazed that there were still companies out there that truly care about their customers.
David M.
Ill be honest, I don't like doing testimonials. But this case warrants it. Johnny reached out to me and we discussed the home and my situation. At the end of the conversation I thought this is when the sales pitch would come in. Instead his final words were "Man, I think you have an opportunity to sell this house and make some cash. But if you have any issues reach back out to us." I was amazed that we didn't try to scam me out of money.
Steve W.
I reached out to Buy Bros due to a family emergency. I needed to move back home which was half way across the country. Austin reached out to me and presented an option that was quick and stress free. I also was able to walk away with some cash which was a plus because I figured i was going to lose money selling it so quickly.
Kyle R.